Saturday, January 6, 2018

How To Create Basic Snakes Games In Html

Hello Friends My Name Is Viraj,Today I Will Create Basic Snakes Games On Your Web Page.This is a simple classic 8 bit snake game created using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript.The important thing to know before starting is that our snake is formed by a chain of elements (squares) and that the illusion of movement is created by moving the last square of the snake body to the front of it. This project is also built using module pattern for code structure.Everybody loves classic games. How many of you remember the retro snake game from old Nokia phones? We sure do. This is why for this lesson we decided to recreate it using HTML5. There is a great open source game development framework called Phaser that we will use.In this tutorial we will try to make a very simple game called Snake. Snake is the most popular games in the late 1997 that comes from the Nokia 6110 Phone. This game become a favorite past time for all of us a long time ago, even our grand parents played this awesome game. So for today we will try to replicate the game, but this time we will create it through HTML & jQuery Script. Let's get started. Before we proceed I hope that you already have the jQuery plugin, if there's not I already attached the jQuery plugin inside the zip file.The very first step is we're going to create the mark up. This page will display the game through the web browser. To create the file open any kind of text editor(notepad++, etc) then copy/paste the code that I provided below.The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript).The <canvas> element is only a container for graphics. You must use a script to actually draw the graphics. Canvas has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and adding images.Of all the new elements being added in HTML5, I think canvas is one of the most exciting. Canvas gives you a fixed-size drawing surface and a selection of basic commands to draw on that surface.In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a simple snake game using canvas.Though, this game is usually played as a dual player. The current implementation is a single player and is more intended to show the concepts used and the potential behind it. Before I actually start explaining the code and implementation, I would like to touch the background by explaining the HTML Canvas element which is heart of the game. I assume that everyone reading this article would have heard about HTML5 by now.

HTML5 is the successor of HTML4. HTML4 was standardized in 1997 and since then a lot has change in the internet industry. Thus, there a demand for next standardized version of HTML to improve the language and at the same time support the various multimedia blocks which have almost become regular to usage in web development. In general, HTML5 includes many syntactical features like <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, etc. We will be briefly going through Canvas element before proceeding to its usage in Snakes & Ladders game.Canvas as the word suggests is a new element introduced in HTML5 which can be used to draw graphics using java script. It can be used to draw shapes, images and animations. It promises to make like easier for designers, animators by standardizing (we all know the absence of flash on iPads/iPhones).The canvas element isn't supported in some older browsers, but is supported in Firefox 1.5 and later, Opera 9 and later, newer versions of Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 9. You know, like you used to get on your Nokia phone.Here In This Html Tutorial We Will Create Basic Sankes Games In Html/Css/Javascript Code.Here In This Blog We Will Create Basic Sankes Games In Html.

Here Is An Example Related To Topic..................

Step 1 :

<!documentTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Play Snake Game</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {text-align:center;}
canvas { border:5px dotted #ccc; }
h1 { font-size:50px; text-align: center; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 25px;}
<script type="text/javascript">
function play_game() 
var level = 160;
var rect_w = 45; 
var rect_h = 30;
var inc_score = 50;
var snake_color = "yellow"; 
var ctx; // Canvas attributes
var tn = []; // temp directions storage
var x_dir = [-1, 0, 1, 0]; 
var y_dir = [0, -1, 0, 1]; 
var queue = []; 
var frog = 1; 
var map = [];
var MR = Math.random; 
var X = 5 + (MR() * (rect_w - 10))|0; 
var Y = 5 + (MR() * (rect_h - 10))|0; 
var direction = MR() * 3 | 0; 
var interval = 0;
var score = 0;
var sum = 0, easy = 0;
var i, dir;
// getting play area 
var c = document.getElementById('playArea');
ctx = c.getContext('2d');
// Map positions
for (i = 0; i < rect_w; i++)
map[i] = [];
// random placement of snake food
function rand_frog() 
var x, y;
x = MR() * rect_w|0;
y = MR() * rect_h|0;

while (map[x][y]);
map[x][y] = 1;
ctx.fillStyle = snake_color;
ctx.strokeRect(x * 10+1, y * 10+1, 8, 8);
// Default somewhere placement 
function set_game_speed() 
if (easy) 
X = (X+rect_w)%rect_w;
Y = (Y+rect_h)%rect_h;
if (tn.length) 
dir = tn.pop();
if ((dir % 2) !== (direction % 2)) 
direction = dir;
if ((easy || (0 <= X && 0 <= Y && X < rect_w && Y < rect_h)) && 2 !== map[X][Y]) 
if (1 === map[X][Y]) 
score+= Math.max(5, inc_score);
inc_score = 50;
ctx.fillRect(X * 10, Y * 10, 9, 9);
map[X][Y] = 2;
queue.unshift([X, Y]);
X+= x_dir[direction];
Y+= y_dir[direction];
if (frog < queue.length) 
dir = queue.pop()
map[dir[0]][dir[1]] = 0;
ctx.clearRect(dir[0] * 10, dir[1] * 10, 10, 10);

else if (!tn.length) 
var msg_score = document.getElementById("msg");
msg_score.innerHTML = "Thank you for playing game.<br /> Your Score : <b>"+score+"</b><br /><br /><input type='button' value='Play Again' onclick='window.location.reload();' />";
document.getElementById("playArea").style.display = 'none';
interval = window.setInterval(set_game_speed, level);
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
var code = e.keyCode - 37;
if (0 <= code && code < 4 && code !== tn[0]) 

else if (-5 == code) 
if (interval) 
interval = 0;

interval = window.setInterval(set_game_speed, 60);

dir = sum + code;
if (dir == 44||dir==94||dir==126||dir==171) {
sum+= code
} else if (dir === 218) easy = 1;
<body onload="play_game()">
<h1>Play Snake Game</h1>
<div id="msg"></div>
<canvas id="playArea" width="450" height="300">

Output :


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