Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How To Subtraction Two Number In Html5

Hello Friends My Name Is Viraj,Today I Will  Subtraction Two Number On Your Web Page.HTML5 includes a host of new input elements, such as the output tag. Using the output tag in conjunction with the “oninput” event listener, you can create simple or complex Web page calculators, giving the user instant results. The output tag allows you to build forms using semantic markup, since the element is specifically designed for displaying calculation results.In this tutorial we will create a simple Web page calculator to demonstrate using the output element.When building an interactive web page, online game, or even just a dynamic page layout, maths (or “Math” for our USA Friends) plays a really important role. Games need to know your score, or your position on the board, or how many goals you have scored. A dynamic web page layout needs to know how big your screen is to calculate how large each element on the page needs to be. While some web-based apps (as opposed to native apps) can handle calculations at server level JavaScript Mathematics can be used to calculate numbers dynamically without putting extra load on your server.

So as boring as it might sound, you will struggle to build may interactive elements without considering maths. Here we will introduce to you the basics of JavaScript mathematics and then we will build a function to generate two random dice rolls!The first new concept to introduce to you is that of variables. A variable is a string (a collection of letters and possibly numbers, but must start with a letter to hold a value for you. Many of the new input elements are not well supported, but the output element is supported in all current major browsers except Internet Explorer. We will also be using the “oninput” event attribute, which is supported in all recent versions of the main browsers.Text inputs on forms can be used to submit numbers. A common use would be a "quantity" input on an eCommerce site. Changing the quantity value, from the user's perspective entails tabbing or clicking to the input, deleting it's current content, and typing in a new value. Expected behavior that nobody is going to yell at you for, but these number inputs could be a little friendlier. Through use of JavaScript (yes, jQuery), let's do just that.Here In This Html Tutorial We Will Subtraction Two Number In Html/Css/Javascript Code.Here In This Blog We Will Subtraction Two Number In Html/Css/Javascript Code.Here Is An Example Related To Topic..............

So Let Begin With Our Coding............

Step 1 :

<form method="post">
enter your first no.  :<input type="text" id="t1"/><br>
enter your second no. :<input type="text" id="t2"/>
answer:<input type="text" id="t3"/>

<input type="button" value="sub" onclick="t3.value=eval(t1.value-t2.value)"/>


Output :

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