Thursday, January 11, 2018

How To Use Image Tag In Html

Here In This Html Tutorial We Will Show The Functionality Related To Image Tag.The HTML <img> tag is used to put an image in an HTML document.Before you use the <img> tag, you need to ensure that the image exists on the internet. You then reference the location of that image when using the <img> tag.The <img> tag is written as <img src="" alt=""> (no end tag) with the image URL inserted between the double quotes of the src attribute.The alt attribute provides alternative text for users who are unable to view the image. Some reasons why users can't view the image might include having a slow Internet connection, they are vision impaired and are using text-to-speech software, the image won't load for some reason, etc. Note that the alt attribute is a required attribute.The src attribute identifies an image by a URL. The image defined by the URL is retrieved by the browser and inserted into the document when the page loadIncluding an image from another website like this is sometimes called “hotlinking.” Not all external-URL images are “hotlinks” — only when you link to an image that is already on another sight so that you don’t have to download it yourself.Hotlinking is sometimes just fine. For instance, in the above example we hotlinked an image from Wikimedia Commons. This is a Public Domain image hosted by a media provider. No problem. However, it can be a problem in certain circumstances.First of all, if the image in question is under copyright, and you do not have permission to use it, you may be in violation of copyright laws by hotlinking. Because you aren’t actually putting the image on your site, there is a bit of a legal gray area here, but it is at least potentially a problem.Related to that, even if isn’t illegal, it may be immoral or unethical if you know that the image owner does not want you to hotlink their pictures. While you aren’t exactly “stealing” the image, you are using up their bandwidth and creating ill will.Finally, if you don’t control the hotlinked image, it might change. Sometimes this just happens because sites go down or get rearranged. However, sometimes a perturbed site owner will deliberately change an image in response to hotlinking.

Hotlinking to an image hosting service is just fine, and it’s also reasonable to hotlink an image in a casual conversation on a forum or blog comment. But if an image is an integral part of your content (even if the content is a link to the image’s original source), you really should save the image to your own server.The Tag Is Shown As, <img> Tag.A relative URL does not include the domain name, and is relative to either the current page, or the current domain. If you begin the URL without a slash ( / ), it will be relative to the current page. If you begin with a slash, it will be relative to the domain.It is almost always the best idea to use source URLs which are relative to the domain, not the page. They will not break if the page content is moved or copied.
Additionally, when linking to images on your own site, it is almost always best to use relative URLs rather than absolute URLs. This way, the URLs won’t break when you change domains (which will happen automatically if you use a development or staging server in addition to your production one).HTML img tag is used to display image on the web page. HTML img tag is an empty tag that contains attributes only, closing tags are not used in HTML image element.The <img> element, like most elements, is a container. It is not an image in and of itself, but a receptacle for one.Just as the p element holds a paragraph, the img element holds an image. However, it does so in a entirely different way. Most notably, the image is a separate file that loads into the space created by the img element.There are three types of image files used in HTML, indicated by different filename extensions: .jpg, .gif and .png (also know as JPEGs, GIFs and PINGs); which we will look at next.Let's first take a look at what I used to display the image below. Note that there is no closing tag. It's one of the few elements that doesn't use them.

Here Is An Example Related To <img> Tag.

Step 1 :

<!DOCTYPE html>

<img src="IMG_20160607_152001.jpg" alt="Puppy" width="500" height="600">



Output :

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