Thursday, January 11, 2018

How To Use Progress Tag In Web Page

Hello Friends My Name Is Viraj,Today I Will  Use Progress Tag On Your Web Page.As per the standard defined by W3C, the progress element represents the completion progress of a task. A progress element must have both a start tag (i.e. <progress>) and an end tag (i.e. </progress>), even though it looks like a replaced element (like an input). This is good though, as it helps with fallback content as we'll cover later.Apart from the global attributes, it can have two more attributes:
max - Indicates how much task needs to be done before it can be considered as complete. If not specified the default value is 1.0.
value - Indicates the current status of the progress bar. It must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0 or the value of the maxattribute (if present).

Note that only adding the max attribute doesn't change the state of the progress bar because the browser still doesn't know what value to represent.This is pretty much all that we can do in HTML as rest of the work is done by CSS. At this stage let's not worry about the fallback techniques for supporting older browsers that don't understand the progress element.HTML5 introduced the progress bar element, which allows us to show the progress of certain tasks, like uploads or downloads, basically anything that is in progressIn this article, we will discuss how to add this element in the document, how to style it with CSS and animate the progress bar meter.The HTML <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.This attribute describes how much work the task indicated by the progress element requires. The max attribute, if present, must have a value greater than zero and be a valid floating point number. The default value is 1.This attribute specifies how much of the task that has been completed. It must be a valid floating point number between 0 and max, or between 0 and 1 if max is omitted. If there is no value attribute, the progress bar is indeterminate; this indicates that an activity is ongoing with no indication of how long it is expected to take.A simple code example of creating a Line shaped progress bar and animating it from 0% to 100%. See the install documentation for different installation options.A few examples of using ProgressBar.js which can be quickly tested in JSFiddle. You can submit your own example suggestions to this issue.Hello Friend My Name Is Viraj,Today I Will Use Progress Tag And Display On A Webpage.Here In This Html Tutorial We Will Like To Show How To Use Progress Tag In Web Page Using Html Code.Here In This Tag Value And Max Is Define As Show In Code.Here Is An Example Related To Topic.

So Let Begin With Our Coding............

Step 1:

<!DOCTYPE html>



Downloading progress:

<progress value="22" max="100">




Output :

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